Dietetic soft drinks are the most dangerous for health


   The announcement ends in 2019-01-20

A study by the American Heart Association has revealed that the most harmful substance for the human body is soft drinks sweetened with substitutes of sugar or known as diet.

According to experts from the American Heart Association, sugar-sweetened beverages with sugar substitutes, which are considered appropriate for food, increase the risk of stroke and dementia.

Experts confirm that "a daily box of this drink What is supposed to be sugar-free, increases the risk of infection of a person by a blood clot in a cell." alternatives to the sugar used in the desalination of these beverages is aspartame, which showed preliminary research results that they break down in the human body into phenylalanine (amino acid) and aspartic acid and toxic methanol from body.

In addition, aspartame also accumulates in the human brain, causing abnormal nerve cell activity, while aspartame in combination with other substances in the body. Sugary soda water is a heavy load on the liver and contributes to the accumulation of toxic substances in the intestines.

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