Dinner before bedtime can cause cancer


Spanish health experts have warned of the risk of delaying dinner at midnight and eating it just before bedtime because of the significant health damage that could cause cancer.
The research team of experts from the Institute of Health of the University of Barcelona, ​​that late meals in the middle of the night and beyond, accelerate the metabolism during sleep which causes the imbalance of bodily hormones, and the feeling of tiredness and hunger.
Studies suggest that eating early, between 9 pm and 11 pm, reduces the risk of bad cancer in women or men by 25%.
Experts believe that eating late at night causes inflammation and alters blood sugar levels, which are related to cancer.
She noted that the results came from a study involving about 1800 cases of bad and prostate cancer, and that two thousand people were suffering from no illness, concluding that taking meals during the day reduced the risk of infection.
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