Discover bacteria that resist all antibiotics


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finding bacteria resistant to all antibiotics Now with details

Sanaa – By Ahmed Abu Al Yazid – British experts have discovered new bacteria that can become resistant to all antibiotics in 10 years.

According to experts from the British Society for Sexual Health and AIDS (BASHH) on the badociation's website, Mycoplasma badium-M bacteria live. badium in the urinary and human organs of the human body, and transmitted from one person to another by badual intercourse.These bacteria can cause infections in the urethra, uterus and the fallopian tubes, and these infections can eventually lead to infertility.

The symptoms of infections caused by M. Genitalium are very similar to those caused by other bacteria, such as chlamydia, which can adapt to many drugs used in the treatment of chlamydia, for example. According to the researchers, the ability of these bacteria to adapt quickly makes them "super bacteria", where researchers believe that it is possible to slow down the adaptation of drugs by testing all patients with different Sexual diseases, but these tests do not take place at the present time, doctors rarely advise patients to do it.

Scientists were waiting for the emergence of "super bacteria" in India, because various antibiotics, including banned ones, which have not yet been tested, were sold there. without control, which undermines all efforts to combat the increasing resistance to various drugs. Thank you for reading about the discovery of bacteria resistant to all antibiotics on Gulf 365 and inform you that the content of the subject was written by Yemen Arab and you can read and follow the news from this source at the source of the following link Yemen Arab and we are not responsible for the content of this news With the best

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