Do not take these foods with drugs! | Health


The list of many healthy foods that play a key role in our diet continues and can replace many drugs because of their healing ability. But what many people do not know is that some foods interact poorly with certain medications, which means that a meal of these foods, taken with a particular type of medication, can interact negatively and cause illness. serious.


Eat bananas, oranges and leafy vegetables high in potbadium with drugs that lower blood pressure. Because these drugs work to cure heart failure by opening the blood vessels, so blood circulates more.

Therefore, taking too much potbadium with these medications causes an irregular heartbeat or rapid heartbeat.

] These are strange grapefruit foods that should not be taken with any type of medication because they contain compounds that facilitate the body's absorption of the drug. As a result, grapefruit fruit can interact poorly with drugs for the reduction of cholesterol in blood and nerve medications, in addition to antibiotics and antimalarial drugs.

Milk Derivatives

It is important not to take of antibiotics and osteoporosis. Because the calcium found in these foods prevents the body from absorbing antibiotics, causing it to stop its healing work in the body.

Leafy Vegetables

Dietary vegetables high in vitamin K should not be taken with anticoagulants that reduce the risk of stroke and vascular problems, and are described to people who have already suffered from

Foods containing vitamin K other than leafy vegetables are egg yolks, chickpeas and lentils.


Avoid consuming large amounts of cranberry juice or cranberries using anticoagulants as they can be avoided. To reduce the effectiveness of these drugs.

Source: Agencies

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