Donald Trump criticizes the EU's decision to impose fines on Google


News – Donald Trump criticizes the EU's decision to impose fines on Google
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US President Donald Trump Thursday criticized the European Union for the $ 5 billion anti-trust fine imposed on Google, claiming that the consortium had benefited from the United States. EU officials on Wednesday urged a search giant to stop using its popular Android mobile operating system to warn its competitors, increasing trade tensions between Washington and the United States. Brussels.

President Trump turned to the Twitter platform for Twitter about the European decision: "The European Union has fined $ 5 billion to one of our big companies, Google.They have really benefited from the United States, but it will not last long. "In an interview broadcast by CBS, Trump described the EU as" enemy "in terms of trade

Two former members of antitrust agencies said it was unusual for officials to comment on law enforcement decisions in other jurisdictions, where Gene Kimmelman, a Veteran of the Department of Justice and currently working for the public Knowledge: "It is counterproductive. Whether you want the result or not, it's law enforcement in Europe. We do not want anyone interfering in law enforcement in the United States, and I'm confident that it does not benefit Google or anyone else.

William Kovacic, former chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and a student at the George Washington University School of Law, acknowledged that it was unusual, but unpublished: the former US president Barack Obama said in 2015 that the European Union was sometimes more commercially motivated than anything else regarding its investigations with US technology companies, including Google.

In 1997, Vice President Al Gore criticized the EU for the proposed merger between Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, claiming that the United States was following closely the results of the EU talks, [19659006] Topics related to what you are reading now:

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, is scheduled to meet with Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday to discuss trade and other issues. Google for its part, it will appeal the decision of the European Union, appreciates s

The fine came after Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, said that Google had used his system Mobile operations to strengthen its search engine position and stifle innovation and illegal competition. Google warned that the Android system can not remain free because of the penalty of the European Union, which in turn is trying to change the operating model of the open source operating system, has said in a statement. Android creates more options for everyone, not less. "

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