DUBAI – Facebook is increasing the age of viewers announcing weapons to …


Facebook surprises us day after day with updates of its policies. According to the report published by the Virg Tech website, FIPSCOK will soon prevent minors from seeing advertisements on gun accessories such as cases or ammunition . This decision comes as gun violence in the United States continues after shootings in Santa Fe, Texas, Parkland, Florida and in other states.

According to a Facebook spokesperson, the company is already banning advertisements for guns and weapons. pain In fact, the company does not ban these ads, but the new policy requires sellers to "restrict their audience to at least 18 years or older".

It does not mention The advertising company policies currently listed are the age restrictions that will change when the policy comes into effect on June 21st.

This change comes in a broader discussion of the role of firearms in the United States, particularly as a result of a large number of shootings. Advertisements to users likely to They are in high school to feel like a progressive step, but they can reduce the appearance of items and accessories that make weapons look normal to this group of people. age. facebook-ads-gun-accessories-minor

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