Economic and irrigation authorities in Ain Al-Tinah


President Nabih Berri in Ain al-Tinah, with a delegation of economic organizations headed by Mohammed Choucair, the president of the Joseph Tarbayeh Banking Association, the industrial dean Jacques Sarraf and the vice president from the Federation of Chambers Mohamed Lama presented the economic and financial situation of the country. After the meeting, Shukair badured: "We are rebadured and optimistic, God willing, that there will soon be a government, and this is our only demand as economic and sectoral bodies. private to save the economic situation and make the country to promote all the projects initiated by the government.The meeting is good and useful and we are satisfied, and we wish the longevity of our country and remain with this optimism and this support. "

Then Minister of Information Melhem Al-Riyashi, who stressed that "the meeting was excellent and inscribed in the framework of ongoing communication with the state of President Berri , and dealt with the general situation and the formation of the government and the atmosphere of the meeting.

Asked about the government's formation process, he replied: "The communication continues and is not a problem between the forces and the appointed prime minister, but the problem with the others."

Then he received Professor Philip Salem

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