Eight activists, including a drug dealer, were killed during a military operation in eastern Lebanon


At least eight gunmen were killed Monday, including a prominent drug trafficker wanted for justice, during a raid by the Lebanese army on his home in the Bekaa region, where 41 people were arrested, according to the army. The house of Ali Zaid Isma's, wanted by several warrants for drug trafficking in the city of Hamoudiya-Brittal with related armed groups, was raided in the region of the Bekaa

. What "forced its elements to reciprocate" and led to "the murder of eight armed men and the arrest of 41 people" 1 6 in Lebanon and 25 in Syria

In a Subsequent statement, the army command declared that Ismael was among the dead and wanted 2941 lawsuits for several reasons, including "crimes of drug trafficking and trafficking, arms trafficking and ammunition, patrols belonging to the security services and the injury of some of its elements. "

Ismail is one of the largest drug traffickers in eastern Lebanon The Army has made several raids to search him In April, found in a room in the vicinity of Brittal, Who is designed to make "Captagon" pills, in addition to 20 kg of Hb grains

In December, an army force seized 800 kilograms of "hushfish" at his home in al-Hamouda. [19659003] Lebanese law punishes all The merchants of "Hishisha" prison, several traders of this forbidden culture in several regions of the Bekaa, are sued by state organs after issuing warrants arrest against them

Lebanon is discussing Hashisha culture legislation Bekaa Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri a few days ago appointed a committee to draft laws necessary to legislate this agriculture for medical use, as part of officials to promote the deterioration of the country's economic situation.

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