Error in the application and synchronization causes the consumption of Internet packets without feeling


An error in the application and the attachment causes the consumption of the Internet package without feeling, according to the Nile, the site of the newspaper Al Wasat tells you that there was an error in the l & # 39; application and connection causing the consumption of the Internet package without feeling. The most popular applications these days, to the dissatisfaction of users, because this caused the error consuming a lot of Internet package allocated monthly subscription. How do you avoid the impact of this error?

Many Watsab users are aware of some tricks to reduce monthly internet capabilities, such as disabling download of images and videos from monthly contractual information, calls via a fixed network (Wi-Fi) and backup All conversations and calls, made daily by the application regularly.

Recently, some users of Watsab saw an increase in data volume, which raised their resentment and expressed disappointment via their Twitter accounts. The amount of Internet information consumed during the backup process has increased dramatically. This is a particularly important issue for users, who rely on a low monthly volume of information, as this error can cause them to consume their allowances for the month almost entirely. According to the German newspaper Giga.

WattsApp typically only consumes a few megabytes, but in some cases it now consumes about 14 gigabytes. The most likely to be affected was the beta version.

At this moment, it is not known if this problem is limited to the Android version of the application (Watsab) or iPhone. However, if you want to stay in safe mode and not be affected by this error, simply disable the automatic backup of settings (and synchronization), or limit them to periods when your mobile is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

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Source: Nileen

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