Europe shares stable position – Al-Hayat Newspaper


European equities stabilized at the end of trading on Wednesday as worries about global trade continued and the spirits of semiconductor companies dropped after Micron Technology was banned from trading. sell chips in China. "The European economy is stable with the German DAX, which is rich in export companies and the British Financial Times, losing 0.3% each.

Transactions were volatile before maturity July 6, when the United States On imports of Chinese products worth $ 34 billion.

fell European technology sector index of 1.4 percent up the worst performing sectors. fell by 3% and Infineon by 1.8% Siliconronics' share in silicon chips dropped by seven percent

Prospects for semiconductors and Osram Licht finally weighed on confidence in the sector, whose index has fallen more than 9% since its highest level.Last year

The shares of 'Dance Bank' fell by about 2% .A report based on Recent data on money laundering of the bank in Estonia suggests that its reach is greater than previously thought.

Overall, gains in the defense sectors dampened Stokes' losses. The telecommunications sector index rose 1.8% and the utility sector index rose 0.6%.

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