Exchange rate against riyal on Thursday


Exchange rates against the riyal Thursday, the dialogue newspaper, quoting Mursal Neor, we are releasing exchange rates against the riyal on Thursday, exchange rates against the riyal on Thursday, we are releasing our visitors to you.

Al-Hawar Journal Prices of the Arab and foreign currencies varied on Thursday against the Saudi riyal:

Egyptian Pound (EGP) 1 Egyptian Pound = 0.2095 Saudi Riyal = 4.7734 Egyptian Pound 1 Egyptian Pound = 0.2095 SR [19659] [Traduire] [Traduire] [Traduire] Dirham of Saudi Arabia 1 SAR 1 SAR = 4.7901 Sudanese Pounds [ 1 [Saudi Rial] [Dinar bahreïni] [Dinar bahreïni] [1969010] [Jordanie] [Dinar jordanien] [Dinar jordanien] [Dinar jordanien] [Dinar jordanien] [Riyal saoudien] [Riyal saoudien] [Riyal saoudien]

Lebanese Pound

Lebanese Pound [19659012] 1 Lebanese Pound 1 SAR = 402.6478 Read Lebanese Dinar

Libyan Dinar

1 Libyan Dinar = 2.7385 Saudi Riyal 1 SAR = AED 2.5280 [SYP] [SYP] [SES] [SES] [SES] [S / S] Somali

For the Oman

1 RO = 9.7432 SR 1 SAR = 0.1026 RO

Tunisian dinar

1 Tunisian dinar = 1.4166 SAR 1 SAR = 0.7059 Tunisian dinar


1 AN = 0.0150 SAR 1 SAR = 66.7549 YR

French Franc

1 Djibouti Franc = 0.0211 SAR 1 SAR = 47,4629 Djibouti Franc

Canadian Dollar

1 USD = 3.7503 SAR 1 SAR = 0.2666 USD


1 EUR = 4.3679 SARS 1 SAR = 0.2289 EUR

GBP ] 1 GBP = 4.9036 r Saudi Riyal

Australian Dollar

1 Australian Dollar = 2.78555 [1] 1 SAR = 0.3590 Australian Dollars

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