Facebook, Google and Twitter approved a project that allows the transfer of user data from one site to another


Facebook, Google and Twitter have decided to collaborate to facilitate the transfer of personal information from one platform to another for users who wish, according to the three groups.

This project is called "Data Transfer Project" and aims to "help users who want to transfer their personal information safely and easily" from one place to another, according to a Microsoft statement.

Some sites, like Facebook, now offer a service that allows users to transfer all account information to the computer, from images, messages, addresses, and various documents.

But there is no need for the user to copy this information to another location, making it difficult for some to close their account on one site and move to another site.

The data transfer project came to solve this problem, and it is also in compliance with the law on the protection of general information of the EU of May, which states in some articles that users have the opportunity to transfer their information. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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