Facebook's growth slows as a result of privacy scandals


Facebook publishes its second quarter results for fiscal year 2018, posting lower revenue growth and active users than expected, after several months of bad news on the platform, with a revenue figure $ 13.23 billion between April April and June 2018, with a net profit of $ 5.1 billion, slightly over $ 5 billion in the previous quarter.

The company reported 2.23 billion active users a month at the end of the second quarter and 1.47 billion active users a day, up 11% over the previous year. ;last year. The percentage between the first quarter and the second quarter of 2018, compared to a growth rate of 3.14% between the first quarter of 2018 and the fourth quarter of 2017.

Facebook has experienced many problems and bad news this quarter, prompting advertisers and badysts to Concerns, as Congress threatens to take tougher action and start putting in And society's continued criticism of its handling of ghost information on Facebook and Watasab, and its inability to prevent Cambridge Analytics to violate data policies.

The platform lost 3 million active users a day in Europe this quarter and 1 million monthly active users after the entry into force of the new European law on the protection of Data, GDPR, in May, where David Wehner, Facebook's financial executives said that the GDPR law has resulted in a decline in the number of daily and monthly active users in Europe.

David points out that the instability of user growth will continue to accelerate and that revenue growth will decline significantly for the rest of the year, depending on the platform offering users more privacy controls. Advertisements are becoming less focused and therefore less effective, according to reports, the company has stopped growing fully in the United States and Canada, which is the most profitable for it.

Facebook dropped more than 20% after the company announced a slowdown in growth and warned that revenue growth would slow down quickly. The stock price had hit $ 217.50 before the # 39, ad, but fell to about $ 172 after the announcement And Facebook lost about $ 123 billion of its market value in two hours.

Facebook was undermined by months of scrutiny of Russian interventions during the 2016 US presidential campaign and the Cambridge Analytics acquisition scandal of user data, which appears to have begun to pay off for scandals. And that could continue to pay for these scandals for several months to come.

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