Find the "greatest piece" went centuries ago


A gold explorer in Scotland found the largest gold coin in the country during a search in the river, reported The Guardian newspaper.

The British man, who refused to be named, said that the gold coin recovered from the diving technique weighed 85.7 grams.

According to the Yellow Metal Exploration Record in the United Kingdom, the gold coin is the country's largest in five centuries.

The gold expert, Leon Kirk, explains that the exploration is unprecedented, and as the piece is rare, it is difficult to give it a certain price.

Kirk said the price could be as high as £ 50,000 and said that people with billionaires could easily come and buy them as a number of valuable coins.

The explorer said that he was surprised at first when he saw the coin in the river but thought that it would probably weigh between five and seven grams.

He said that he did not believe what had happened: "I have never seen anything like this in my life," he said.

The largest piece of gold found to date in British waters, 89 grams, was in the Cornwall area in 1808.