Food improves brain function


Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania discovered that foods with a high iron content help improve brain function.

Scientific studies published in in the Journal of Nutrition In the blood with attention and memory among adolescents, through a study with the participation of 140 Indian adolescents aged 12 to 16 attending school rural, all low-income families living in Maharashtra.

Anemia is the most prevalent disease in the world, but few studies have been reported (19659002) Participants were divided into two groups: the first one occupied ordinary millet , the second group had a smoker with iron support and, six months later, the second group (19659002) "The school was specifically selected because of the high incidence of anemia. The Murray-Kolb sequence:

"Rarely in terms of attention and memory compared to the first group, the execution times decreased by half. We look at teens in this But we must pay attention to them, because they have a critical age in which their mind is developing, and nutrition plays a key role in it. Iron deficiency can be transmitted from generation to generation, especially to girls who may be pregnant during iron deficiency, and may develop a diet with the same disease. "

Juarez is one of the plants that grow in the form of Sanabel and clusters similar to wheat, and spread on the continents of Asia and Africa, and benefit from nutritional values. high.

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