For men .. Eat 60 grams of nuts combat daily infertility


Madrid – The inclusion of nuts in the daily diet significantly improves male fertility and fights infertility by improving the quality and function of sperm, according to a Spanish study

L & ## 39; study was conducted by researchers from the University of Rovira e Virgili. In Spain, and presented their results Tuesday, before the Conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology held in Barcelona, ​​Spain, from 1 to 4 July.

The researchers explained that several studies have been conducted to find ways to improve men's fertility, the general decline in quantity and quality of life

to achieve the results of the study. study, the team conducted a 14-week clinical trial of 119 young people aged 18 to 35 years.

The youth section The first group took the usual diet and 60 grams a day of nuts, hazelnuts and nuts, while the second group did not eat nuts.

The team discovered that walnuts improved the quality and function of sperm. Compared to those who did not

The walnut group also recorded a significant reduction in the levels of sperm DNA degradation, a factor closely badociated with infertility in males.

For this reason, the study found that the nut group is rich in nutrients, Omega-3 and antioxidants like vitamin C and E, selenium and zinc, as well as folic acid .

Albert Salas Hoytos, head of the research team, said, "The findings highlight the role of nuts in improving men's sperm quality." Need more research on its benefits in m

An earlier study found that eating nuts (camel eyes) regularly can help improve male fertility by improving sperm quality. [Anatolia]

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