For the first time … Healing a diabetic patient of the first type!


The British, Daniel Drex, can go down in history as the first person in the world to completely cure type 1 diabetes.

Drake's 31-year-old body contains a rare gene capable of to "wake up" pancreatic insulin-producing cells. "

After suffering from the disease since 2010, DARX stopped injecting his body with insulin daily, when he discovered that the level of sugar in his blood was normal even without These injections

Darkes believes that the main reason for his recovery is running 100 km a week, and for his diet rich in zinc, nuts, fish oil and vegetables.

The young man confirms that the doctors were agree with him, and after a few months, he will become the first patient in the world to fully recover from type I diabetes through diet and exercise and with the help of A rare Jane has changed her life.

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