Foreign consultants are preparing for Lebanon a plan to revive its economy, attract foreign investment and create active jobs that make fun of the money lost, despite the presence of local experts who are not less competent Saad Elias


Beirut – Al-Quds Al-Arabi: Lebanon is concerned about the plan prepared by McKinsey & Co. to promote the Lebanese economy, which cost the government $ 1.4 million.
Minister of Economy Raed Khoury said yesterday that the plan aims to "create an attractive business environment for foreign investment and activate competitive productive sectors that can promote economic performance indicators and the creation of # 39; jobs. " The president of the Banking Association, Joseph Tarabih, and the president of the Union of Mediterranean Businessmen, Jacques Sarraf, said that "the economic situation will be one of the first concerns of the new government, especially after the completion of the national economic plan.Yeh and alive, especially as it determines the most productive sectors. "
" The improvement of infrastructure, roads and roads " Other construction projects will contribute to the country's economic progress, in line with the reforms the government intends to achieve, in line with the recommendations of the Cedar Donors' Conference held in Paris months ago. "The importance of the cooperation of all to follow the work of the state because the responsibility is collective and can not be the responsibility of an individual or a body", calls to deal objectively and realistically with the economic situation in the country. Because they are false data
After the meeting, Mohmed Choucair, the head of the economic organizations, said: "We are rebadured by the president of the political and security situation in the country, and we have it. badured of our role in the economic and financial situation.We are optimistic, despite all that is said, and we continue to be optimistic, and we are still waiting for the formation of the government as soon as possible. badured that work was under way to carry out this training, let us not forget the commitments of the Cedar Conference and the issue of oil and gas exploration which has become a reality, all optimistic. formation of the government. "
" We are seeing a good start to the summer season, but it seems that we are focusing on tourism or the economy, Lebanon is sweet, good and has a good We continue with this optimism "
President of the Banking Association Joseph Tarbih" We also presented to the President the banking and financial situation. We know that there is negative news during the current period regarding the lira, the banks and the balance of payments. And we put all the spasm that is currently in the field (tugging of fingers) at the stage of government formation. As for the badessment of the financial situation, we rely on international rating institutions, stable and without negative expectations. It is there that are placed the read and the banks, under the total control of the Bank of Lebanon, which manages the monetary policies which, during the last 25 years, have managed to preserve the stability of the read, nothing can not now prevent it. "
He added" talking about the suspension of some banks to pay has no basis, neither scientific nor technical.Not by our information, nor by our knowledge that a bank in Lebanon is in a situation that poses a danger to itself and to its depositors The Bank of Lebanon and its supervisor is one of the most powerful supervisory bodies of central banks. there is a crisis of any kind What is the basis of worrying news in the media? There is no report from the regulator, nor any order on the ground for it. The Lebanese banks are among the most flexible and liquid banks, and the Lebanese banking system has the greatest liquidity for the world banking system. "
Jacques Sarraf, President of the Union of Mediterranean companies, said: "We are creating a consortium of Lebanese investors to connect Lebanese businessmen with foreign businessmen and expatriates in order to push them to invest in Lebanon in infrastructure projects " , did he declare. Approved by the Cedar Conference as in other projects, and pumped funds from abroad to Lebanon. In this framework, funds will come from abroad to encourage the Lebanese factories to increase their funding, which is important nowadays is to encourage the industrial sector. The McKinsey Plan has given importance to four very important future sectors and is expanding in Lebanon.
In exchange for such praise for the McKinsey Plan, there was mockery on social networking sites, and foreign consultants were tasked with formulating a plan to improve the Lebanese economy.
"McKinsey worked for six months, earned $ 1,400,000 and prepared a 1,000-page report that would cost $ 1,400. On one page, we propose that Lebanon celebrate the 100th anniversary of the declaration of Greater Lebanon. "
The media said Jean Feghali" God willing to this proposal, which cost 1400 dollars! More importantly, the 1000-page report told us nothing we do not know. "Two eyes on McKenzie's heart The boy dies.The smallest expert in Lebanon is able to write a report comparable to the McKinsey report, at a cost ten times lower than what he incurred.

Foreign consultants prepare Lebanon for a plan to boost its economy, attract foreign investment and create jobs
Foreign consultants prepare plan for Lebanon to boost economy, attract foreign investment and create jobs
] Activists make fun of wasting money Money despite the presence of local experts are no less able
Saad Elias

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