Future sources: We exclude the formation of a mini-government and nothing on the horizon at the level of the dissolution of the contract


A media monitoring the government's training record, told the newspaper "Future" that "President Michel Aoun wants to accelerate the formation of the government, although the deadline to appoint President-elect Saad Hariri remains reasonable Relatively, compared to the previous government formation process, especially since this period interspersed with the holiday of Eid al-Fitr and the holidays of President Nabih Berri and Hariri, and therefore the return of the President-designate, it is necessary to strongly reactivate the formation of the government, Lesson between President Aoun and Hariri soon. "

The sources pointed out that "nothing stands out in the decommissioning horizon: the representation of the Lebanese Forces Party and the number of Druze ministers appointed by the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, and the representation Sunni deputies from outside the bloc of the future, which does not mean that things are closed, Noting that "if we prepare the scenario of the formation of the current government, the intimidation of the survival of the contract and inability to burst the government was the same, and the government was born and that will happen with the next government, and these rumors can not be "There are parties that have interest in spreading rumors that the things are insoluble and there are those who do not want the birth of the government. "

"If we observe the reactions last week, The government, although he has done everything he can and continues to do to facilitate his birth, and the evidence of his meetings with the leader Jumblatt and the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, and his request to Hariri to attack the Sunni knot. "

On the grounds that the technocratic government is not feasible and after the Yeh legislative elections must include a wider segment of government political forces if possible, especially that all parliamentary blocs prefer the political function of the government and the evidence that everyone is demanding its share. "

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