Galftainer approaches the operation and management of the US Wilmington Harbor


We offer you the latest news in the following article:
GulfTiner's approach to the operation and management of the Wilmington Harbor in the United States on Tuesday, July 17, 2018.

Sharjah (Union)

Gulftiner announced yesterday in a statement that the government The US federal had completed a revision agreement that guarantees GT USA Wilmington, an American subsidiary of Gulftainer, the rights to operate and develop the port of Wilmington in the state of Delaware during 50 years.

Currently, the port of Wilmington is owned and operated by Diamond State Harbor, Delaware State, a deep-water port that operates as a full-service marine terminal.

The harbor occupies a strategic position on an area of ​​308 acres at the confluence of the Delaware and Christina Rivers, just four hours from the Atlantic Ocean.

This announcement follows a previous agreement between Galftainer and Delaware to grant GT USA Wilmington an exclusive franchise for the operation and development of Wilmington Harbor.

Under this agreement, Galftainer plans to inject significant investments into the port and expand the capacity of the port's cargo terminal in order to increase its productivity. In addition, the agreement will include the development of a new 1.2 million TEU container facility on the former Depot site at Edgemor, acquired by Diamond State Ports in 2016.

The US Foreign Investment Commission, The Wilmington Port Agreement was reviewed and concluded that the Convention was not a covered process, reflecting the consensus of the key bodies responsible for ensuring the protection and the security of the United States. "The completion of the examination is an important step in finalizing our agreement with Galftainer, which contributes to the protection and creation of new jobs with high returns for workers and professionals," he said. John Carney, Governor of Delaware.

Jeffrey Bullock, Delaware State Secretary and President of Diamond State Ports, said: "I have completed more than a dozen federal agencies under the aegis. Foreign Investment Committee of the United States, reviewing our plans to grant a privilege to Galftainer "

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