Geagea: I will not only give up on Saint Charbel – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


"The crisis this time is exclusively domestic"

The leader of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea is fighting coldly for his part in the new government . Does not suggest yet that he will be the first to scream at the biting finger game, but deliberately to give the impression that this time he is determined not to withdraw from his "rights" no matter how many time he waits, armed with the results of the parliamentary elections. Geagea pointed out to the "Republic" that "Saint Charbel alone is worth giving him, but others leave him", stressing his adherence to the "ministerial share and equilibrium equivalent to at least five ministers because I can not alter the number of elections and popular will. The "troops" are limited to only three ministers. "Minister Gebran Bbadil's crisis lies in the fact that participation has involved him." He denied that Saudi Arabia hampers the formation of the government and that the contract was "purely domestic". He called on President Michel Aoun to "intervene and correct". "The free stream" must include eight ministers and not 11 ministers, in relation to the election result ", and felt that Aoun, if he took the initiative, would push for the formation of the government tomorrow.Geagea baderted that "there is a common vision of the rules of the author that he has gathered with Presidents Nabih Berri, Saad Hariri and Walid Jumblatt."

Geagea has said at the beginning of a dialogue with the republic that "A real progress in the file of the formation of the government, knowing that President-elect Saad Hariri is making unremitting efforts in this direction. The reason for this delay is that some people still refuse to recognize the results of the parliamentary elections, I know each party accuses the other, but to resolve the debate and even get out of the cycle of mutual accusations, I want to adopt the Minister Gibran Bbadil's logic.

Basil says that the elections showed that the "forces" accounted for 31% of Christians, and although the figure is incorrect because we represent 36%, I will stick to the result, which means that 39, a third of the votes equals five ministerial seats on 15 seats belonging to Christians. It is our right, according to Basil himself: why does not he recognize it? "

Geagea states that" we do not want to accept at all three ministers, as Bbadil says, because this percentage lacks logic or foundation ", underlining that" the theory of the allocation of the four deputies to Minister is an invention does not exist in the dictionaries of Lebanese politics and represents only the owner, noting that representation in the government takes into account the election results, political or otherwise, and so is not a copy Reproduction of the House of Representatives, and in any case, we are entitled to six ministers according to "understand Maarab" and b "The paradox is that the problem of opposition to the size of our representation is now in the hands of those who are supposed to be cooperative, while the problem has disappeared in the past. " We learned from President Nabih Berri that he And "Hezbollah" does not intervene in the issue of the determination of Christian descent and sacks.

Saudi Arabia «Innocent»

Is the contract local or does Saudi Arabia delay the formation of the government?

– Geagea responds: "Yes, Saudi Arabia wants to represent us and balance us, it is a fact that can not be ignored, but it is also true". The Kingdom does not exert pressure in this sense and badumes no responsibility for delaying the drafting. Believe me … The contract is purely local, and the crisis this time is purely internal and has nothing to do with the outside world. Prime Minister Hariri has the confidence that the "forces" and the "Progressive Party" have the right to be duly represented. During my recent meetings with him, I did not need to make a effort to convince him of my point of view. Only Minister Bbadil is not convinced because participation is equivalent to his involvement.

Only St Charbel

And to what extent are the "forces" ready to make certain concessions? Others need to be flexible too?

– Geagea refuses to give an indication of this kind, and says frankly, I do not have the intention or the conviction to make concessions on the legitimate rights Yes, I yield to St Charbel, while others allow me. "

Geagea believes that it is the responsibility of the President and the President"

But should the President of the Republic or the House of Representatives not act if the mission of Hariri remains hesitant, d & rsquo; As much as the economic situation does not waste too much time? "Geagea replied," It might be a mistake to leave the deadline to the president in office, but that is the reality that needs to be corrected. later on the basis of constitutional amendments, just like the open time for the election of the president.These deficiencies must be closed to an amendment of the Constitution, and even then we must adhere to the custom and accept that the President is not bound to time and can not be intimidated

Awn has the solution

• How can we break the stalemate?

– Geagea points out that 39, "there is an urgent need for President Aoun has for the 39 moment the key to closing the doors of the government because it has room for maneuver and it can solve things positively on the basis that the regulations of the Pact, which collected independent Two-thirds of the "mainstream" account for 51% of Christians, or 55% of the Bbadil, so this group is entitled to 8 ministers representing the president and the current, not 11. "He is able to lobby for the formation of the government tomorrow, and not after – tomorrow, he is Aoun's president specifically, if he makes the decision to intervene to correct things. "

Geagea is not worried about the fate of "I am sure that reconciliation has not been and will not be affected by the political circumstances that are moving."

Why the truce between the two parties has not yet evolved to address the essence of the political conflict? "Geagea stressed that" this movement requires that some be present for participation and convinced that its size without allies is equal to the size of the "forces".

Participation and involvement!

(19659005) The reign of Aoun is not the best The reign of Aoun is not the best [19659007] Do you regret the signing of Maarab's agreement, which was based on your acceptance of Aoun's election as president in exchange for parity with the ruling power?

Geagea says that he does not regret, He added: "We wanted to elect Aoun to end the void and choose a representative president and we help to end the hostility between the current and the forces. "

At the end of the second year,

Geagea emphasizes that he hoped that the reign of Aoun would be the best in Lebanon, but unfortunately the reality is not so far away, and we will continue to strive every day to become the best. D'Aoun to start putting an end to those who ruin his reign. "

This is my story with Berri

Nabih Berri

Geagea responds:" The world is a face and a face, it is true that we meet little on the personal level, but it There is a chemistry between me and President Berri, regardless of the differences in political positions.It may have met once in the district of Barbur (in Beirut) after the Taif agreement, from Other meetings were held at national dialogue tables or at public occasions, but there is heat between the forces and Bari.I do not forget a statement made by Berri during the war, may be in 1986 or 1987, in which he confirmed that he was ready to walk to Qatara Monastery to meet Samir Geagea if it were to end the war. "Geagea points out that the scene requires a reinforcement of coordination with Berri as well as with Hariri and Jumblatt, pointing out that "We understand the approach of the government record, although I have tried to include this cooperation Aoun too, but we talked about Basile and you know the rest. "

One look

[194590] 14] • Can this coordination be interpreted as an implicit front against the Covenant?"

Geagea responds: "Me, Berri, Hariri and Jumblatt look at the issues related to the composition of the government, To all, and I hope that the President of the Republic notes that these figures representing the great powers of different communities are based on a common approach to the structure of government. "

Which brings us closer to Hezbollah ] • Do Hezbollah and the Forces intersect with the priority of fighting corruption at this stage by evolving towards the cooperation of a buyer?

Geagea notes that "the objective meeting with Hezbollah against the waste and corruption has occurred in the current government, particularly on the issue of electricity, and it is likely that". it will continue in this context in the next government. "It is up to the party to consider the principle of exclusive arms in the hands of the state, and if our strategic disagreement on this issue remains, we can meet where it can be."

Geagea warns that "mismanagement and corruption have become an existential threat to the state that will fall and collapse from within unless we are confronted with this danger (19659005 ) When and when Melhem Al-Riyashi can bow to Haret Hreik?

Geagea replies: "This visit depends on The Middle East is more likely than the Riyashi movement and the Middle East should follow a full course on strategic options on March 14th for a visit to the southern suburbs to be useful


Geagea considers that this conclusion is true at the tactical level, The Syrian south indicates that It serves the interests of Israel and protects its borders.

Moscow and the Displaced

Do you support the Russian initiative to return IDPs?

The initiative "completely and without reservation", praising "the practical effort of Hariri to meet them", pointing out that "Moscow is better able to ensure a safe return for the displaced rather than to "drive them" to the unknown, to support Hariri in his efforts. "

Source: Journal of the Republic of Lebanon

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