Geagea: President Aoun is required to intervene quickly to stop the series of Saddam basil with everyone – alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Nothing in Beirut suggests that politico-constitutional work will give birth to the new government that is starting negotiations for its third month in a gloomy atmosphere. in several directions. 19659003] The conflict escalates the size of the political forces and their "stakes" in the tripartite formation of President-elect Saad Hariri to "harmonize" them with the Rubik cube.

The pressure on the formation process began to take the form of "Kaltlweh measures since the outside of the Constitution to exclude Hariri from his mission or the search for" fatwas "to withdraw the warrant and others.

The turbulent atmosphere that hinders the government's record is compounded by a growing conflict over highly sensitive issues like normalization with the Syrian regime and the approach of the Syrian file.

The stage the most striking in all of this is reflected in the collapse of the relationship between the two strongest Christian forces, the Free Patriotic Movement led by Minister Gebran Bbadil and the Lebanese Forces Party led by Dr. Samir Geagea. two parties are under the shadow of the "understanding of Maarab" that they have collected (19659003) Despite the truce attempts in which participate the President and President of the "Forces" and the entrance of the head of the Maronite Church (Patriarch Mar Bishara Boutros Al-Ra & # 39; i) On the line, the political fire is often renewed because of the conflict on what is called the Christian representation in the government or the "party" of the party "Forces"

Dr. Geagea was surprised by the infiltration of newspapers on the morning of Beirut. Which was initiated by Minister Basil on the Lebanese Forces and their representation

Bbadil revealed that he had previously informed the "forces" and formally "suspended" the Maarab agreement after that. he was charged with an "indictment", pointing out that his representative size does not qualify him to participate in the government any more

On the whole of this reality, Dr. Geagea spoke in al-Rai of "selective" titles that mimic the Beirut newspapers, which are almost reduced by the formation of the government.

Forces "that President-elect Saad Hariri" makes tremendous efforts, night and day and everywhere to form the government "But while many political forces, including us, cooperate with him and work to facilitate his mission, some put obstacles in the way and prevent it from progressing in the creative process, "he said.

Geagea did not emerge from the vacuum before an equivalent period: Hariri will not apologize and will not form a government that is not convinced of it and does not serve the image of Lebanon.The principle believes that there are those who want to embarrbad Hariri? "Unfortunately, more and more, it turns out that some and their interests are willing to go to ruin the country through such proposals.Let me be clear from the beginning, the president in charge, and on the basis of the Constitution, no deadline for the completion of its mission, no matter if it's true or false, that's another research.We are talking now according to the constitution and according to established customs and traditions, there is no time limit for the president-elect, no one can withdraw his mandate and no matter how much he tried, Prime Minister Hariri can not leave the commission and apologize. "He is certainly there, but we are in addition to Prime Minister Hariri in his efforts to form a government, and he is not trying to beat the Constitution or the customs and traditions." "If someone thinks that he is pressuring Prime Minister Hariri they have tor Because he will not train a government if he is not convinced of it, and therefore any work in the direction of the obstruction does not help. And Prime Minister Hariri will not apologize and will not form a government under pressure, and it is better to stop these attempts and have a minimum of logic and let the government train properly between the President-designate and the President of the Republic. "

" There is something very, very surprising, "he said Every time we and others try to calm us down, Minister Bbadil comes out and explodes the situation, which is incomprehensible. In the first stage, I met the president of the republic, I agreed that we had agreed and started the truce … As soon as I got back from the palace, I contacted Minister Bbadil, but after 24 hours we were surprised to launch a storm attack on the Lebanese Forces Patriarch Bishara Boutros al-Ra began last Thursday efforts to calm the situation: the conditions were met Saturday evening in Baqa & afra and we talked more and more of calm … We were surprised yesterday by a blitz of Minister Bbadil.I do not know explicitly on what basis Bbadel moves. "

Geagea invokes an old story, in which an Arab knight was crossing the Desert and a man on his way walked on foot and was suffering from exhaustion. He replied that he was tired and exhausted, and that he wanted to ride his horse behind him: the knight could only get out of the horse to help the traveler to get on: at the moment when the horse wanted to ride, the traveler hastened to escape with the horse. My uncle, no problem, take the horse but do not tell anyone what happened between me and you "… surprised the tired traveler and asked him why?

The lesson of this story in the eyes of the head of the forces "wish him" if "the media do not remember what forces efforts at some point to elect General Aoun to the presidency of the Republic. .. This is how we are rewarded by Minister Bbadil, who attacks us time and time again. All it's doing now, is trying to take from our current representation. We, on the other hand, do not want anything from Minister Bbadil, who does not have the government, the ministerial seats … and all he tries to do, is to lock us into a seat of cabinet or in a house. The question remains that in the face of all the efforts of the forces, are you rewarded in this way? It's very imperfect.

Geagea does not hesitate to use the same logic for Minister Bbadil with regard to the quota that the "forces" should receive in the government. "Minister Bbadil announced that the forces had won 31% of the Christian vote, although that is not true, since it is 36%, but I rely on his figures," he said. The 31 percent means that the troops got a third of the Christian vote, and how many Christians in a government of 30 ministers? 15 ministers. A third is composed of 15 ministers. And what does Minister Bbadil propose? We do not want anything from him, but it is our representation as he said, even if it is not as precise as I have already said. And then how to divide and on what is based the speech of three ministers of the forces? Basically, it was not badigned to him, and not his role to divide and determine the part of this party and that within the government, but his job was to see how to organize the affairs of his party. The task of the author lies with the president-elect and the president of the Republic. Minister Bbadil is still waiting and takes the role of President of the Republic. He can not do that, and now the president of the republic is the president of the republic and the head of free movement is the head of free movement. "Minister Bbadil says he no longer wants to understand the Arabs because the forces have raped him, because he had to be with the alliance, but he's opposed to him, "he said. . When we look at where he was against the Covenant, the answer is that he always opposes the ministers of the Covenant. This is not true at all. The percentage of our votes in favor of the decrees presented by the ministers of the Pact and the Free Patriotic Movement to the Council of Ministers is very important and ranges between 90 and 95%. The most important example is that of major decrees such as oil, gas and others. It is true that there is a file on which we voted and that we will continue to vote against forever: they make offers of electricity because it is a crime against Lebanon ..

Geagea continues, "Even Hezbollah voted against the electric booths. And then Minister Bbadil Shater said that he wanted to cancel the deal with the forces because they voted against us – although it was not directed against them, but we voted against them. vapors – while Basil does not rely on the same behavior with Hezbollah? The question is whether the vote against electric steamers corrects the Pact and votes against it? In my opinion, it is the most important vote with the pact because we have treated it as a matter of the time.

Geagea adds: "Another issue that Minister Basil is still addressing is that we supported the resignation of Prime Minister Hariri when I took this decision last November." He asked: "Now, Minister Bbadil knows In the interest of Prime Minister Hariri more than Prime Minister Hariri himself?" Minister Bbadil knows what happened with Prime Minister Hariri more than with Prime Minister Hariri? Of course not.

He adds: "I will say something in this area: then I said yes I am with the resignation and that should have been there is some time because the sovereign and national situation of the government was the land.I remember that at that time, we were in front of a Syrian minister and a minister, a minister who wanted to visit Syria and a minister who He did not want to, we were facing a fighting team in Yemen and a team attacking Saudi Arabia, while Lebanon has always adopted a restraint policy, and of course Prime Minister Hariri has resigned because the government's situation is no longer tolerable, and we were with him by his resignation until we achieved what we achieved as a result of this resignation. From 60 to 70 or 80 percent. Therefore, all that Bbadil does is unfounded, all to block a seat or ministerial quota for the Lebanese Forces. "

When we ask that Basil not close the door, he is referring to a new political agreement based on the respect of the Charter., Geagea is anxious to say:" Is it considered that the understanding of the Maghreb does not respect the Charter and the Constitution and national diversity? If he wants to leave the partnership, he is free but we will not get out of it. S? It suggests that a misunderstanding affects the constitution, national charter or national partnership, how did it sign? Note that in Ma's understanding, there is a very clear recognition of Christian diversity. When the speech of the representation was mentioned, the allies of the Lebanese Forces and free movement were mentioned, they were not in an exclusive context of the two teams. "

And his interpretation of this campaign as long as the president says" Free Current "Something else, and what happened to the roadmap that I talked about when I was visited the President of the Republic as to float the agreement or repair it? "Minister Bbadil cut the road on any road map, and that is surprising. But in my opinion the reason for all this campaign, which involves only the illusions of a ministerial seat or a seat in the houses. "

How does Basil explain that" we can not enter the government if we pay the price for which we are not responsible? "He does not have to pay the price. Minister Bbadil is invited to make sense of the minimum, as he said, saying that the troops "got 30% of the Christian votes." Great, that means he's entitled to 30% of Christian representation and we do not want more than that. "

We ask: The essence of the agreement is that you put aside the strategic disagreement (to elect General Aoun) and you are went to a partnership. In the strategic question, the dispute is the same, and in the partnership, it seems that there is a disagreement on this agreement, do you think you have lost the bet? He answers: "No. Never, because what matters to us first and foremost is the rules of free movement, and these, like our rules, are very attached to the heart, first to reconciliation and then We, for our part, adhere to Maarab's understanding.If Minister Bbadil wants to veto, the reason is, as I said (ministerial seat on sight or down) and free. "

And the eagerness of the" forces "to distinguish President Aoun from Minister Bbadil is it realistic?" We act as we see things correctly, "he said.The President of the Republic is the President of the Republic and we have all the respect and best wishes for the success of this alliance.In my opinion, more than one undermines the Covenant is the action of the Minister Basil, and it is the most I say with regret, but we will continue to consider this covenant as our covenant. "[19659003] Does this rigidity imply the approach of forming the government on Minister Bbadil's presidential calculations? "I do not know, if the problem had been limited to the forces and the current, such a question could have been raised, but there is a problem between Minister Bbadil and the forces and between Minister Bbadil and the Socialist Party, and between Minister Bbadil and the Amal movement, and I do not even know what goes beyond the Amal movement. "There was a relationship between Minister Bbadil and the Movement of the Future, and now Egypt is on the verge of And so I do not know where things are going, and I hope that the President of the Republic will intervene very quickly and a rescue process to stop the series of clashes with everyone because all these things affect you. 39, first his reign. [Bbadel] does not build a homeland or an alliance and does not allow the improvement of the reality of Lebanon at all levels. "

And his evaluation of the equation of Bbadil according to which the free current has doubled the r "Forces" alizations, says: But it's not the free stream that has won but the current and the candidates in the name of the alliance are almost doubled, and that's true. they get double (to the government) and therefore 15 seats to the Christian government 5 go to the forces and 10 act by the president It is clear in another area that Basil has launched the path of the return of political life between Lebanon and Syria, not to mention attempts to normalize the relationship with President Bashar al-Assad's regime of the IDP door. And he replied, "Disturb my father to the East and to the Gh The Lord knows that Bashar al-Assad does not want to send back displaced people, which is the most reluctant part to return to the demographic, political and strategic reasons known. First, a topic of this magnitude can not be decided by a single team, leaving the next government to discuss between the different parties in order to make the necessary decisions. I say that displaced people wishing to return will not be prevented in Lebanon by those who do not, but it is the Assad regime that offers them to come back, and I think everyone knows it. 19659003. "I give an example of what happened recently when, about three months ago, 3,600 names were registered for those who wanted to return to Syria (from Aarsal). been sent to Damascus and since then they have theoretically approved 400 and they agreed to enter 250 or 350. At this rate, if every four or five months Damascus agrees to return 300 or 400, c & rsquo; Is much less than the number of Syrian births on Lebanese territory In the same period.And then it's a big joke.What most people try to do at this level is normalization and gives a certain legitimacy to Assad's regime, which has lost all its legitimacy, and again, they are trying at the expense of Lebanon and that we will not accept. "

it possible to isolate the government's training record of regional glare events? Geagea says, "I do not think there's ever an impact of regional events on the path of forming a government." The main question in the author's file is that it's not a big deal. there is an attempt to limit the presence of the ministerial forces and, by extension, try to limit some of the parties, which is all there is to do. has regional interventions that can put things in the wrong direction.Because what happens is in the context of an unlimited process of internal greed. "

Source: Al-Rai Journal

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