Geagea: The understanding did not fall and that is my response to the disobedient – Spider Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last updated: 2 hours ago and 28 minutes ago

Source: The Lebanese daily An-Nahar


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 259

<img src = "" title = "جعجع: التفاهم لم يسقط وهذا ردي على المتباكين" alt = "The day after the storm caused by the publication of the documents "understanding of the Arabs" and the war of debates that took the traditional media and social networking sites between supporters of both sides of the understanding "Free Patriotic Movement" "Lebanese forces", that sees the leader of the party "Forces" Samir Geagea in the repercussions of what was considered a definitive break from the understanding of the Arabs?

In an interview with An-Nahar last night, Geagea seemed to badert that he did not agree with the widespread impressions of the fall of understanding and its political implications. "I do not agree that there is a misunderstanding between Arabs and Arabs. Is very regrettable and negative not only on the Christian situation, but on the country as the country needs to accumulate more and more forces and not to disperse it … It is unfortunate that I put all my weight to rearrange things. Or three observations on what happened in recent days must be We first noticed that the groups that had not been lucky during the last parliamentary elections were crying a lot on the ruins and that They were beginning to talk about Ma 'Arab as a political quota sharing personal and exclusive interests. In response, I read the last page of the agreement. They read the pages that preceded them, which include the basis of the agreement and its content, which is a political project. I read the ten basic points for the Lebanese people as a whole the day we announced the understanding of Maarab with General Michel Aoun. And the last page was normal to include that part of the agreement that relates to the new authority. But the tears on the ruins ignored the fact that they had ruined the world to have a voice and now they have become utopians and have talked about exclusivity and exclusion. The Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese forces were the only ones in the regions where they won more than 80% of the results. All the others got 20 percent.

The second observation concerns the lifting of the question of the resignation of President Saad Hariri and forgotten of these fundamentals and essential in the agreement is to guarantee the presence of Hariri at the head of the government by the agreement to respect the most representative team of the Sunni community, since we had badumed in advance that Hariri would still be in this position, and that Prime Minister Hariri knows his interests more than those who are skeptical of him. . Where were we against the alliance by this position?
The dismissal of 18 thousand employees before the emergence of the emergency.

The third point is that the Lebanese forces have broken the agreement with the Covenant, where did this happen? With the means of the alliance with the alliance and with the president at Baabda Faye, the policy of the great policies of the alliance did not hold with it? That is not to say that we are not talking about any minister even if he is mistaken, even if he is part of our team. If we oppose the record of electricity and bids, are we against the Pact? Some confuse the policies of the Pact and support and discuss issues. "The last paragraph of the agreement states that the two blocks form a joint committee to develop a unified vision of the pact and support it. What is the committee that has not yet been formed?"

Geagea answered a question about the possibility of restoring understanding. "He said that" today and yesterday we received positive indications from Minister Gebran Bbadil and, God willing, practically translated. "


On the other hand, it seems that Bkerki will not stand idly by.When faced with the sliding of the Christian situation to the worst, and will not accept the return of the The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros-Raya, will immediately invite the representatives of both parties to meet in Bkirki to try to resolve the situation, said the President. # 39; agency. What is the subject of this topic at the monthly meeting of Maronite Maronites held in Bkerke a few days ago, but did not appear in the statement issued after the meeting. "We fell silent and prayed to close the last painful page between "current" and "Forces" and the reconciliation, then the signature of the "understanding of the Arabs", so that the master of Bkerki is satisfied with the return of the first things to Mrbaha, and therefore the return chaos and tension between the s Christians "pointing out that" competition for home-based cooperation and service is something and others have refused to anything else ". Given the Christian conflict and the possibility of a fall in understanding and its repercussions on the governmental authorization process, President Nabih Berri and President-elect Saad Hariri will be reappointed to form the government. "This bad situation can not continue in the same way," Berri told visitors on Saturday.

Responded to a question: "After my review of the situation and if it remains the same within the next 48 hours, I will call a plenary session to elect the members of the parliamentary committees and if necessary I will convene a meeting to discuss the situation Without exception, and this remains the figure of the entire government and the Council and all political forces. "

Berri is waiting for the return of Prime Minister Hariri to hear about the new in forming the government for build on the required thing. He said: "We have offered from the beginning a number of facilities to form a government and accelerate this task, and we have postponed the parliamentary elections, and it seems that things are in place and we must work to form the government. quickly."

Asked about the introduction of new standards and standards in the composition, he replied: "I will not go into these details, but the standards must be one and apply to all the world without exception. " "I do not want to talk about this topic until I have no data on it."

Source: Al-Nahar Journal

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