Geagea: There is no interest in our government participation if we are not active


Samir Geagea, leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, found that "what keeps Lebanon economically is unfortunately only the banking sector, otherwise our economy would be weaker than it is. Is today, but we found ourselves in a more backward position, which we live in today. "" Many of us feel disgusted by the current situation in the country where people are living very hard, but this should push us to work harder, not to despair, "he said at a dinner at the union trade office in Maarab. The reason for the deterioration of living conditions in Lebanon is not our lack of resources, because our country has the most important resource, its human potential, which can be created to cover all areas of work. Even if you have all the Vision ingredients available in the world and lack skilful cook, you will not get any dish you eat.

"We have only one problem that can be solved, if we find who can solve it, we are not like countries that are suffering from organic problems where they do not enjoy energy or difficult geographical location and very difficult to manage, one billion or two billion dollars a year. "
"The Cedar conference will provide us $ 11 billion, mostly loans, while we can manage and stop waste and corruption without imposing new taxes, saving $ 2 billion, which will be collected in 5 or 6 years." The amount borrowed by him ".

"For us and contrary to what many people think, our participation in government is linked to our very existence and our ability to change, as evidenced by the fact that we have never fought or acceded to any government For 13 years, when we have been invited to participate and we reject it, if we find that we will not be active or able to change in the future, our participation is not helpful and what for we are fighting today, it is not the ministerial part we will get. "

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