Government stumbles aim for good representation and exceed election results


The Board of Directors of the Almohad Druze Religious Council held a meeting under the chairmanship of Sheikh Aql of the Naim Hbadan community, presented the work of the Council and its various committees, and the Secretary of the Council Nizar ElBaradei read a statement after: "

The Council has set the current internal situation in the light of the failure of the formation of the new government, considering that what has been done the contract but is aimed at a good representation and exceeds the results of the last general election where citizens freely expressed their views at the polls, and called for respect for election results and the criteria for ministerial representation based on their foundations and foundations.

Second : The Council denounces the deterioration of the political discourse of some who expose the interior space to tensions and has convulsions as if freedom of expression was becoming dangerous and was an essential advantage in Lebanon and its democratic system calling on all political forces concerned to adhere to the literature and to respect the minds of Lebanese and Lebanese public opinion and their legitimate aspirations to a decent political life based on morality, the first and the last. The Council calls on all parties concerned to avoid rhetoric, calling on citizens to abide by these rules on social networking sites.

The Council expresses its solidarity with all sectors of Lebanese society suffering from the decline of life services and increasing social tragedies due to the lack of jobs and the decline of investment and internal investment and foreigners. The industrial, agricultural and tourism sectors because of their important role in the national economy.

Fourth: : The Council expresses its concern about the suspension of housing loans financed by the State and the Central Bank, considering that this regressive stage constitutes a major setback for young people who depend on it for buy them housing. Choueifat, with the support of Walid Jumblatt as part of his sensitivity to the problems and needs of young people. He also states that he will pursue this issue because of its great importance. The Council condemns and deplores the unilateral unilateral measures taken by the Israeli occupation, calling for the responsibility of the Arab and international community to face plans to dissolve the Palestinian cause, distort national identity and and transforming the foundations of conflict into new areas. This, hopefully, will be achieved on the basis of the protection of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

VI : The Board's administration welcomed all members of the Board and its committees for their continued efforts in recent years and emphasized the importance of projects carried out under the mandate pending completion. Starting next September to elect a new Board of Skills and Specialists and experienced in various issues that have the will to sacrifice themselves and work for the public interest.

Spelling words
Parliamentary elections
Social Networking Sites
Walid Jumblatt

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