Hariri at Ain al – Tinah .. And Barrie warns to walk on the brink of disaster – the Al – Manar Canal site – Lebanon


President Nabih Berri met in Ain al-Tina, the appointed president of Saad Hariri. Ministers Ali Hbadan Khalil and Ghattas Khoury attended the meeting.

Hariri said after the meeting that "everyone should feel that the formation of the government is a priority and that we must overcome the differences and sacrifice everyone. Wave, that is to say, we must accelerate the formation of the government and move the economic wheel, and we have a golden opportunity to implement the Cedar Conference and to carry out the necessary reforms.
Mr. Hariri said that "the problem that hinders the formation of the government is not the escalation, but the disagreement on quotas," adding that "President Berri is eager to form a government quickly."

He said that the country was on the verge of disaster and that the economic situation was worsening, noting that this indifference to the country was unacceptable.

Source: Al-Manar Television + National News Agency

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