Hariri: Me and President Berri on the same wave and no one cancels anyone … Let's think – Spider Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


Berri meeting with Hariri

Political consultations resumed their session between the seat of the president in charge of forming the government Saad Hariri and the president Nabih Berri

The two ministers, Ali Hbadan Khalil, Ghattas Khoury and the former minister Basem al-Sabaa, participated in the meeting held yesterday between Berri and Hariri after the previous night. witnessed a meeting between Hariri and Hbadan Khalil.

Government is a priority, and we must overcome differences, and everyone should sacrifice for the benefit of the economy and Country He said: "We and President Berri on the same wave, which should accelerate the formation of the government and the economic wheel, and we have a golden opportunity to implement the Cedar Conference and carry out the necessary reforms.And we agreed to work together and lighten the debate for accelerate the formation of the government. "" The problem that prevents the formation of the government is not the scaling up, but the disagreement over the quotas, and President Berri is eager to form a government quickly. "

Hariri said that he and President Berri were" on the same wave. "He stressed that he" did not accept "that it overstepped the powers of the prime minister nor the Speaker of the Parliament and the President of the Republic. "

He noted that" the parties have decided today to settle the dispute between them ".

Regarding the formation of the government, the chairman of the Board of the Islamic Cultural Center, Omar Musika, quoted the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdullatif Duran, as holding "the unity national ".

"The President of the Republic is the head of state and the symbol of the unity of the nation and he is anxious to respect the implementation of this policy," he said. declared. To preserve the independence and unity of Lebanon, it does not need to have a block within the government to express it. "

He points out that" the President of the Republic does not need a third of the disabled. That the country does not need a government of sects, parties or parties, but a government of experts. "

At a meeting in the House of Representatives," independent deputies "requested representation in the government." We represent more than 40% of Sunni voters, so we must have a voice and a role in the political life of the country, "said Jihad Samad.

Faisal Karami said after his visit to the head of the Islamic Charitable Projects Association Sheikh Hossam Qaraqira, commenting on the words of some politicians and deputies, said that if the prime minister can not form a government, they will put him in the House of Representatives to withdraw his trust. "Nothing in the constitution justifies this," he said, "others stayed for six months or nine months. It must be understood that this community and this position are not the weakest link in Lebanon and we will not allow it to be touched under any circumstances. The Taif agreement is a red line, especially in these delicate circumstances. "

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