Hariri presented with the falsity of Sidon and the conditions of Ain al-Hilweh


MP Bahia Hariri received Majdaloon Mufti of Saida and Sheikh Sheikh Salim Sousan. During the meeting, they discussed the general situation in the country and the business of Sidoni in particular.

Hariri also met with the Mayor of Saida, the engineer Mohammed Al-Saudi, and discussed with the Lebanese army chief in Saida, Brigadier Mamdouh Saab. "UNRWA" in the Sidon region, Dr. Ibrahim Khatib means to facilitate and accelerate the release of garbage trucks from Ain al-Hilweh camp to alleviate the problem of accumulation in the camp areas.

Sidon Festivals Committee

Hariri met with a delegation from the National Committee of Sidon International Festivals, headed by Committee Chair Nadine Ka & n. Hariri informed the delegation about the preparations for the Sidon summer festivals organized by the committee in cooperation with the Municipality of Saida and under the supervision of the ministries of tourism and culture on the front of the city of Rafic Hariri Sports at the entrance to North Sidon. That also includes a concert of the artist Nbadif Zeitoun

The festival was also scheduled for the festival evenings that will take place on August 24, 25 and 26 and will be accompanied by a food market along the south facade of Rafik Hariri. The delegation thanked Hariri for his support and support to the Committee since its inception and for the efforts made to ensure the success of the festivals this year.

The delegation Majidil

Hariri received a delegation from the city of Majidal in the district of Jezzine. The city is far from the Mar Elias boss, which begins on the 19th and continues until Saturday the 21st was given by Mbadad on behalf of the delegation invitation to attend the celebrations.

(Raafat Naim-Saida)

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