Hariri receives a delegation participating in the "Conference on Sustainable Development" Economy


Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri received Prime Minister Sunday afternoon
Center House is the official Lebanese delegation to participate in the "Political Forum"
"High Level Meeting" to be held in New York between July 16th and 19th
It is headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Ghbadan Hasbani and includes representatives from each of them
Presidency of the Republic, Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Head of Government, Ministries of Foreign Affairs,
Education, economy, environment and a representative of civil society.

The delegation will present the first voluntary report to be presented by Lebanon in this forum
It is concerned with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
Prime Minister Hariri through the Prime Minister's working group in cooperation with all the departments
Concerned, in particular by members of the National Committee formed by the Council of Ministers led by
Prime Minister Hariri

During the meeting, Prime Minister Hariri emphasized three basic points of importance
Strengthen Lebanon's institutional capacity to follow the sustainable development agenda
Lebanon obtains international support by obtaining low-rate loans and grants for implementation
The sustainable development agenda and the focus on private sector participation to implement these
The agenda and the role of civil society integrated with the state and the sector.

Prime Minister Hariri also stressed that "the implementation of this program will be a difficult task in
Lebanon continues to bear the burden of Syrian displacement and its economic and environmental impact
And its impact on infrastructure and services. "

The Lebanese delegation to the forum includes both Dima Jamali,
General of the Ministry of Economy Ali Abbas, Director General of the Ministry of Education Fadi Yark, Ambbadador
Caroline Ziadeh, ing. Ibrahim Barbary, Presidential Representative, Chancellor
Prime Minister Hazar Karakala and Ola Sidani, an economic expert of the Palestinian Authority
Government Presidency and Rita Rahim, representative of civil society.

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