In Figures: Security Events Fall … and Strangulation of Smuggling Networks


Security reports show a marked decrease in security incidents across Lebanon, as well as the absence of security incidents on both sides of the Lebanese-Syrian border, while Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty by air and sea has not diminished. President Michel Aoun, "is a positive and encouraging indicator for Arab and foreign tourists and tourists, that is what we are starting to see, and the number of arrivals to Lebanon is expected to increase in the middle of this year. next month and august. Institutions and (19659002) The report, which has been received by more than one Lebanese presidential authority, includes the security events that took place in the Lebanese territories on the date of the Security Council statement. June 29, 2018 to July 6, 2018, showing the decline in the number and quality of security incidents recorded in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, North, Bekaa, South and Palestinian camps.

Rocket and Grenade Launchers [1]

Robbery of the Arms (Zero)

Theft of Vehicles and Stores [19]

Fatalities in the Shooting (5)

Theft of Houses and Stores [19] (19659002) Fighting Fire or Resistance to the Security Forces (2)

Exchanging Fire Without Injury (25)

Theft or Destruction of Public Property

The fire or vandalism of private property due to personal disputes (zero)

General cut of the road (zero)

Illegal detention of foreign smugglers [196]

Wanted [142]

Israeli Violations by Air and Sea 26 [196590] 02] The report stresses that the Bekaa area is equal to the rest of the areas in terms of security and that it is even small compared to the regions Mount Lebanon and the North, which confirms the effectiveness of the security followed. The Bekaa region remains the most active in this area, but the gap is tightening networks of illegal aliens to smother them completely.

The report also notes a significant deterioration of security incidents in Palestinian camps, including the Ain el-Hilweh camp. Coordination between the division Especially, the absence of any security incidents on both sides of the border between Lebanon and Syria is indicative of the stability of the situation on both sides of the border after the elimination of the groups armed terrorists and the success of security measures in preventing cross-border infiltration.

Source: News

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