In the picture .. "robots" motorized popcorn


Scientists from Cornell University in the United States used corn kernels as a motor for robots according to the IEEE Spectrum.

Scientists have suggested using energy in cornflakes to move robots after studying three types of corn kernels.

Scientists based on that the basic patterns of tubular motors driven by the expansion of hot corn kernels (popcorn), and raising one of the innovative motors of the load weighing up to 100 grams using seeds of 36 atoms.

Scientists say the water is turned into corn seeds when they are steamed and the starch becomes lighter, but the rigid shell of the seeds inhibits the internal pressure, so well that the shell of the grain explodes when the vapor and starch expand.

Atom), forms a matrix larger than the original grain size, which leads to the expansion of the structure and the formation of the entire structure to install it.

(Russia Today)

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