Influenza and its relationship with increased risk of heart attack


News: Influenza and its relationship to increase the risk of heart attack, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site, a site of Information was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive content to show you the Arab and international news from many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and political arena. sports and other areas of interest for our readers to submit on the website site News, the flu and its relationship The risk of heart attack, hope to get your satisfaction and trust us dear visitors, the flu and its relationship to an increased risk of heart attack.

Sunday, July 22, 2018 04:05 News The flu can be a serious illness in itself, but can also increase the risk of a heart attack, according to a new study from Canada.

The Relationship Between Influenza and Heart Attack:
The study found that the risk of heart attack was six times higher during the first week following the flu diagnosis than the risk of having a heart attack. Previous year. "The findings underscore the importance of getting an influenza vaccine to prevent the disease," said Jeff Kuong, principal investigator at the Institute of Clinical Sciences for Assessment, an organization that non-profit research center in Ontario focusing on health care. The heart takes precautions to prevent respiratory infections, especially the flu, through measures such as vaccination and hand washing. "

People at risk for heart disease may include people suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or obesity, as well as those who smoke, who have a family history of illness or people who are 65 years old or older, People see their doctor to help determine the risk of heart disease.

Study Details:
In the new study, researchers badyzed the data from Nearly 20,000 adults aged 35 and over in Ontario were diagnosed with swine flu between 2009 and 2014. Of these, 332 were admitted.The hospital had a heart attack the previous year or so. the next, or during the flu, about half of these patients had diabetes, 40 percent had high levels of blood fat and 85 percent had high blood pressure.

The researchers then examined the rate of crises cardiac cases over a period of seven days where patients had the flu, called risk period, compared to the rate of heart attacks the previous year or the following year. Admitted to the hospital for a weekly heart attack, compared with only three hospitals per week during the pre- or post-flu period, and there was no increased risk of heart attack after the first week of influenza.

"Our results … support international guidelines for influenza vaccination for people at high risk of heart attack," Kwong said.

The results also indicated that the risk of heart attack badociated with influenza may be particularly high in people aged 65 and over, who contracted a type of influenza virus called influenza B virus. [19659003] Causes of the badociation of influenza with heart attack:
There are several reasons why infection increases the risk of heart attack: for example, inflammation caused by the immune system response can make the plaque unstable in the blood vessels; May lead to clogged arteries, according to the Harvard Health Journal.

In addition, when a person has the flu, the heart may have to do more to pump blood through the lungs, increasing the amount of pressure on the heart.

The researchers pointed out that their studies were reserved for patients whose illness was severe enough to be hospitalized, and it is not clear if patients with lighter wounds are also at risk of heart attack. . We inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hbadan Follow us, hoping to be informed of the news with transparency and credibility, flu and his relationship to increase the risk of heart attack, and do not forget to follow us on the pages of social networking of our site to reach you

News: Influenza and its relationship with increased risk of heart attack (19659005) Source: Mersal

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