Johnson & Johnson can pay billions of dollars in compensation.


A US court ordered pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson to pay $ 4.7 billion in financial compensation to 22 women who had contracted uterine cancer as a result of the use of powdered products in the production of the company. Missouri, to pay the company $ 550 million in compensation, and then added the court's decision to a fine of $ 4.1 billion.

This decision comes at a time when the pharmaceutical giant is a party to a court dispute in about 9000 issue among him

Johnson & Johnson expressed dissatisfaction. She said that she was preparing to appeal the conviction six weeks after the trial, which included allegations from a number of women and their families of uterine cancer after the Use of powder to soften the skin of children and other talc products for decades

. Produced by the asbestos compound since the 1970s, but has not warned consumers of these risks.

Talc is a kind of natural salt. It is sometimes found in soil near the salt compound known as asbestos, but Johnson & Johnson insists that its products are free of this compound and that it does not cause cancer.

The giant company confirmed that a number of studies However, the judgment was the result of a "fundamentally unfair process".

The US Food and Drug Administration commissioned a specialized agency to conduct a study on various talc products, including Johnson & Johnson products, from 2009 to 2010, The company's pharmaceutical products only contain no asbestos

The British Society for the Prevention of Ovarian Cancer, Ovacom, published a report on the case, citing concerns it has had since years on the possibility that the use of talcum powder in the badl area can cause uterine cancer,

The judgment against Johnson & Johnson included the largest compensation ever required by the court of the company for consumer damage resulting from the use of the company's talcum products. 19659002] California court ruled the case In 2017, the company was forced to pay $ 417 million compensation to a woman who claimed to be suffering from cancer. endometrium with Johnson & Johnson products, including talcum powder

but this decision was rescinded.

The value of punitive damages is often reduced in the degree of appeal. Johnson & Johnson has been successful in obtaining decisions to abolish court judgments for punitive damages, some for technical reasons related to litigation.

Source: BBC

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