Jordanian doctor performs first uterine transplant in the Middle East


Amman – Dr. Ayman al-Samadi, a member of the Medical Syndicate Council, led the first uterine transplant in the Middle East for a Jordanian patient leading a Swedish and Lebanese surgical team in a hospital in Beirut .

The uterus, which was cultured, was taken from the patient's mother, the surest way of such cases.

According to a press release from the Medical Union, Smadi explained that the patient had undergone a period of intensive treatment under his supervision. Currently, she is waiting for the necessary recovery period before implantation of the fetus

The number of uterine implant cases practiced in the world up to now is not greater than twenty and was the first Jordanian patient to undertake such a process at the regional level.

Smadi announces the formation of a Jordanian team In his leadership for other operations in the future, to give hope to many women seeking a natural pregnancy, and that this complex process will be the future of such cases .- (Petra)

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