Kidanien in response to "rumors": Lebanon ranked as the cheapest tourist destination


The Minister of Tourism of the Interim Government, Avidis Kedianian, pointed out that "what we hear in the early summer about the pollution of the sea, and that spend two or three days in Lebanon in a hotel or a tourist complex is more expensive than the outside. The international "Forbes" magazine has ranked Lebanon as the cheapest tourist destination in the world. "

At a press conference at the Ministry to discuss the tourism situation in Lebanon, Kidanian said:" there are interests Tourism in Lebanon and its decline to the outside, with the recognition that there are very high-end tourist service institutions "He also called on the media to" illuminate the country's faults, but also to illuminate the positive things, "saying that" we can not resist this country if we continue to tear ourselves apart "" The tourism sector, particularly the restaurant sector, has achieved many achievements, particularly in 2016, when Beirut was chosen as the world's leading food destination, surpbading world capitals, "he said. said Tony Rami, president of the Association of Restorers, Cafes and Amusement Parks Middle East. "

In turn, Pierre Al-Ashqar said that" tourists come from all countriesof the world, including 150 travel agencies and tourism participated in the exhibition "LEBANON VISIT" in 2017 and 2018, which visited all Lebanese regions without seeing the negatives that appear on the news and otherwise Ashkar pointed out "an increase in the number of tourists, but with the decline in tourist spending, because we are the most important tourist destination in the countries of the region and we have all the potentials and tourist elements and we want to unite and solidarity".

The Association of owners of maritime tourism complexes Jean Perotti that there is "70% m 10% of them are free to enter, and there are ten institutions to get in there, "considering that" it is haraam what we are doing to ourselves and to Lebanon and to its tourism. "The American university issued a report saying that water at sea is good for tourism, has it been published? As for the pollution of the sea, some media have reported that the water of the basins was dubious, while the laboratory tests of more than 10 institutions proved their cleanliness. "

Beruti called for" the adoption of a healthy economy ". Minister of Tourism to "the pursuit of social media against the rumors launched."

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