Launch of a second cycle of authorization for oil and gas exploration at the end of the year


Minister of Energy and Water Sezar Abi Khalil predicted in an interview with Al-Hayat that Lebanon would launch a second round of licenses to launch oil and gas exploration in its waters between the end of the year and the beginning of 2019.

Extraction of the wealth of gas and oil in Lebanese waters, after the exploration and drilling of Blockin 4 (north) and 9 (south) of a consortium of three companies, including Total in France, Eni and Novatek in Italy. Preparing for the drilling of the first planned well in the middle of next year in block number 4, Beirut, in the Koura region to the north, Abu Khalil said that "a logistic mission from Total, l & rsquo; Operator, began to prepare this operation for the purpose of drilling the first well and its results would then pbad to the development of the field. "

"The work of Block 4 coincided with the first well drilled in Block 9 because we have to leverage the same basin of results from the first badessment to determine the second site of excavation, although 39, there are studies identified in the primary form. "

That all these operational steps" coincide with the direct management of the preparation of the oil sector for the session "The Cabinet may consider new terms and conditions. other cancellations, in the interest of the national interest. "

According to Abi Khalil, the Lebanese state did not bind the 10 blocks in the sea at once, but has resorted to "the option of gradual adoption" to any commercial discovery in marine waters, and because the realization of the first discovery will increase our chances of attracting as many people as possible. companies, and will also improve the conditions of the state as well as its by t in this sector. "

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