"Lebanese Elections": Stop the "media suits" illegal interference in our work ONA – ONews Agency


  manar-00940160015255208599 u The Electoral Observation Authority in Lebanon issued a statement in which it considered the request of the Minister of Information as illegitimate interference in the affairs of the Authority and its powers. By Minister of Information, Melhem Riyashi, to Justice Minister Salim Griissati, the President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, Judge Jean Fahd, and the Attorney General of Justice Samir H ​​Maad, an attempt to prevent the judiciary to exercise its powers to review referrals against the media entrusted to it, contrary to the principle of separation of powers. The Commission, presided over by Judge Nadim Abdul Malik, has already indicated his commitment to the freedoms in Lebanon, The right to expression, while stressing at the same time his commitment to apply the provisions of the law, which set his powers to for the media that violate the provisions of the law. The Lebanese Minister of Information, Melhem Al-Riyashi, in his request several days ago to stop the prosecution and the preservation of the referrals against the media, believes that these actions have "a material and moral impact on media institutions and the climate of freedoms ". National Media Council and media and audiovisual institutions. The Electoral Supervisory Authority, the body responsible for overseeing electoral rights in Lebanon, recently transferred 41 news organizations (video, audio, paper and electronic) to the Publications Court, a highly reprehensible procedure. In which the decision of the Commission is considered an excess of the statutory powers that are prescribed to it, and that the body has become a regulator of media institutions and freedom of the media in Lebanon the country of freedoms.

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