Lebanese government opens borders to Iraqis


The Lebanese government announced Thursday the opening of the Lebanese border to the Iraqis and the opening of the Iraqi border to the Lebanese by a joint agreement between the two countries, confirming its rejection of the terms of the Paris Club. to repay the Iraqi debt, which dates back to Before 1945. The state minister in charge of fighting corruption in the caretaker government, Nicola Tueni, said in a statement to the press that "we hope that &; 39 39 a solution will be found about Lebanese traders and industrialists dealing with Iraq ". ]

Toni added: "What has been achieved with the Iraqi authorities, is that all debts from 2013 until today will be repaid on the contractual terms that have been contracted and this solves much of the problem. "

He pointed out that" for debts dating back to 2003, the Iraqi authorities proposed to resort to Paris Club conditions. [19659004] You can also read the news in the Tigris channel source

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