Lebanese headlines published on Friday 06-07-2018 – The Al-Manar Canal Site – Lebanon


The main titles of the Lebanese newspapers published on Friday 06-07-2018

The collapse of the truce Aounisme – the force exacerbates the crisis

After the fall of the Maarab agreement: Who breaks the second?
The fall of the truce between the "current" and the "forces"

The general of division
The crisis of the objectives undermines the governmental stalemate: the private sector of education is threat! And the year March 8 to climb.

Nasrallah "disturbs" Washington in the records of the exodus and southern Syrian
Khalil paves the way for an escalation of land, 659004] Construction
Forces and Current Return to the conflict … The Sunni and Druze representation of the facade … No government

Source: Newspapers

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