Lebanon is preparing for a charming summer with Shakira – Spades … and Carla


Lebanon prepares for a charming summer with Shakira – Spades … and Carla – Sarkozy

The two stars illuminate the festivals "Rice" and "Beit El Din" this month

With the beginning of the summer of Lebanon and the festivals that have transformed the rice country, mobile joy carnivals, the attention of the July calendar will be marked by two stations: the first will be celebrated by the star Colombian international of Lebanese origin Shakira on the 13th The concert of Italian-French star Carla Bruni on 30 at the Beiteddine Festivals.
If Shakira had already given a concert in Beirut in 2011, his station at Al-Arz (Bishri region) this time attracts the attention and "" Lebanese and global not only to the expectations that "wins" the festival (led by MP Strida Samir Geagea) at the most popular festival attended by 13,000 people, but revealed that Lebanon's "daughter of Lebanon" will arrive in her mother on July 12 with her parents William and Nadia Mubarak and his two children Sacha and Milan from Barcelona and Gerard While Shakira was also to accompany Pique to Lebanon after he had already said that he would attend if the Spanish team came out of the 2018 World Cup ( what happened), the Lebanese TV channel MTV reported that the star, The international awards will spend the night after his cedar ceremony organized by Ibn Bish The businessman, Teddy Zeina Rahma , and his wife, Mrs. Liliane, asked for intimacy During her stay, she went the next day to her home in Zahle, her second visit to the Bekaa bride and the first to her husband and two children. In turn, with reports that her husband, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, will accompany him to Beirut, where they will spend a few days in his neighborhoods. According to the Kataeb.org website, Sarkozy and Bruni Silibian during the visit invited Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to dinner and meet MP Walid Jumblatt and his wife Ms. Noura (president of the Beit-Eddin Festivals) and visit the most important tourist attractions of Chouf.


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