Lebanon News, Breaking News – Arrest of a drug dealer who resisted arrest by finishing himself and two security men


A force of the Regional Office for Drug Control in the South, Jamal d. A 40-year-old Palestinian national wanted under a arrest warrant for a murder, arrest warrant, arrest warrant and search and investigation warrant on cases of drug trafficking, promotion and abuse.

The arrest occurred after the availability of information to the Office of Drug Control in the south of his presence in the locality of Hilalia – near the Cultural Center, a patrol from the office to the camp, and when the arrest of the elements, they resisted and Astel knife removed by two members of the patrol. And the two elements were transferred to the Sidon Government Hospital for treatment, and the investigation began under the supervision of the competent court.

He was sentenced to six years' imprisonment and imprisoned for six years, but returned after his departure in the area of ​​trafficking and promotion, dividing his activity between the cities of Saida and Tire.

He was recently able to escape during a regular pursuit of him on the coastal road, where he escaped, leaving behind his phone, before being spotted at Sidon and arrested, according to the National Agency.

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