Lebanon News, Breaking News – Hasbani Re: A news article about fabrications, judicial power and Lebanese consciousness are the rule between us


The Information Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister of the Interim Government, Ghbadan Hasbani, issued a statement in response to the Al-Akhbar newspaper, entitled "The Scandal: Hasbani spends billions on hospitals and false beds. "

A statement issued by the information bureau said: "The Al-Akhbar newspaper continues to broadcast the series of rapes against Lebanese Forces ministers on the eve of the formation of the next government." Hospitals and false beds ", an article entitled" Almalk "in terms of fabrications and repeated pretexts, if" the repetition knows the "news", we refer to the answer issued last Tuesday, entitled: The factual claims "News" … Hasbani: More the formation of the government and the "harvest series" are close to a "fairy tale."

The statement adds: "It is enough to clarify what has been said of a" fictional family "in the last article because it has not been presented before." As for the number of hospital beds, the Ministry of Health has asked the Hospital Syndicate. Therefore, the ministry continued with all hospitals and confirmed the actual number of the family and was adopted in the mechanism This incident confirmed by the Association of Lebanon hospitals in a statement addressed For the newspaper "Al Akhbar ".

Also it is the first time that a scientific mechanism is used for distribution. And this breakdown is for the balance of the exchange obtained after verification on several stages of the invoices and resolution before the transfer of the maintenance contract so that there is no manipulation. "

The media office badures in its statement" news "and" unknown "behind its campaign" The Lebanese Forces' share in the future government is guaranteed by the popular trust that was given to them in the polls, and by the attempt to distort Hasbani's image by those who have been affected by his ministerial performance. "

He emphasized that" nothing is hidden from the Lebanese people who has And the person who treats transparency and deliberation according to the logic of institution building and the rule of law, and respects the suffering of a person who does his duty without discrimination or discrimination. "

And we declare that our response to her slander is through lawsuits against her and the author of the article."

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