Lebanon News, Breaking News – Miqati for the Republic: This is not the first time that the formation of the government has taken time


President Najib Mikati called on all parties to facilitate the task of the President-designate "because of the delay by the country in its stability and economy, and to delay the launch of the reforms needed to deal with many crises, including public debt ".

The Republic : "We are with the wheel but we are against any attempt to impose conditions on the appointed president or to try to establish new customs in the composition. What is needed, to come to a solution, is to come back to the Taif Accord and its spirit instead of engaging more and more in the sectarian and sectarian direction. doctrinal in all, especially in the process of creating and distributing ministerial portfolios. "

On the delay of the composition, Miqati said:" This is not the first time that the formation of the government takes time, although we are still in the acceptable time to draft, but that 39, we must break the loop and stop the imposition of conditions and measures of unconstitutionality and illegal and facilitate the task of the Prime Minister, I am afraid that there is also a debate in the context of the ministerial declaration of the future government, this approach will bring Lebanon back into conflicts that are never worth it. "

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