Major General Ibrahim visits Alpha: Alpha is one of the world's leading companies thanks to Hayek's efforts


The Director General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, was leading the delegation of the headquarters of the Alpha management, where he was received by the President and CEO of Alpha Marwan engineer Al-Hayek at the head of the administration. Major General Ibrahim and Engineer Al Hayek visited several divisions of the company. The respective teams of the Alpha Model Shop and Network Control Center and the Data Center provided explanations on the nature of the work.


A meeting was held at Hayek's office, Ibrahim, "the brigade of security and security in Lebanon, the banner of democracy and freedom of expression, the banner of the state and institutions and especially the banner of humility, humanity and morality ". He added: "Maj General, you are today between your family and your most loyal supporters and all the steps you are taking in Lebanon and abroad." "We are proud of Alpha for transforming us from a telephony operator into a source of happiness through our service, all the more so as studies have shown a direct relationship between happiness and cellular service. "He said." Al-Hayek said: "The qualitative change achieved by Alpha since the receipt of management Orascom Telecom especially in terms of technological achievements and the latest first generation experience on the fifth in Lebanon and the region, where we have reached a maximum speed of 25 Gbps. "We cover 100% of the Lebanese population with all our services and technologies. The expansion plan is underway and by the end of 2019 we will have 1900 stations, pointing out that Alpha currently serves two million and 65,000 subscribers, "said Hayek." The solutions of Lebanon and Alpha are ranked second in the Middle East and North Africa and ranked 30th in the world. Internet speed on the fourth generation and so we have very developed countries like England, France and Japan. "The Question of Security Cyber ​​

Cyber ​​Security is a common affair between us and public security, and we attach the utmost importance," declaring that the company "is working on an information protection center project of its kind in Lebanon. "

Al-Hayek stressed that" the percentage of employees with a strong will He also pointed out the program Alpha for Life of community responsibility through which strong people and children support through meaningful programs that contribute to their full integration, a program that has become a part of the company and national pillars.

Major General Ibrahim thanked Al Hayek for this welcome in the company. "I call Mr. Marwan not only to believe in the importance of technical work, I mean that the security work we do together, but also to believe that every company run by a Lebanese is proud, "he said. He added, "I believe in Mr. Marwan and his abilities in following the work of the company and monitoring how the company has evolved in his day, and look forward to what will be the vision of the company. 39, future of the company. He continued, "I say all this because this work is not only reflected on the person of Professor Marwan, but on the well-being of the Lebanese citizen and consumer in general. The service of the man, whoever he is, should be our goal in any institution, public or private. "

" I was impressed by what the company is doing at the human level. The humanitarian approach to employees is what makes you a family, and today, I can say that we and Alpha are on the same line in this aspect. "When you are a family and a heart, you produce better and all this is reflected in the fact that the Lebanese are getting their rights in a transparent and safer way." "Alpha is one of the leading companies in the world thanks to your efforts and Mr. Marwan's efforts. I wish you all the best. "

Al-Hayek concluded with the graduation of Major General Ibrahim Mabrouteh embodying a Lebanese dynasty made by students of the Lebanese School for Harmful and Evil, the fruit of an initiative for Alpha with Alpha for Life


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