Maronite bishops: Any delay in the formation of the government will expose the financial stability of the vibration


The Maronite bishops held their monthly meeting in the patriarchal pulpit of Bkerki, presided over by the marabout, Cardinal Mar Bashar Boutros # Shepherd, with the participation of the general priests of the Maronite Maronites, and they studied the church and the national affairs.

At the end of the meeting, they published a statement by the Patriarchal Vicar, Archbishop Johann Rafiq Al-Warsha, in which they affirmed that the Patriarchs stopped during the consultations on the formation of the future government and invited them to dominant debate on quotas and sizes. On the policy of the government in all areas, even if this agreement is based on the rules of public good and social justice, the nominees in the selection of names are not necessarily all politicians, otherwise they fear that the government a zone of conflict. , It is the opposite of what awaits them in the next stage "

Parents have expressed concern over the political tensions in Lebanon's economic sectors and the decline of more than one economic sector, despite efforts in this regard. We know that the stable financial sector requires the activation of productive economic structures. Any delay in forming the government will prevent the activation of the economy and will present the financial stability of the vibration. "

Parents have deliberated on "naturalization decrees since 1994 until today and their violations of laws and their adverse effects on cohabitation, they emphasize that nationality is closely related to the identity of the nation, to its dignity and sovereignty and to its supreme interests. The parents hope to activate the law on the restoration of nationality and order thousands of applications that have been waiting for a response for years, and restore this right to those who deserve it. "

Parents highlight two main issues: First, an agreement on a comprehensive national plan on the displacement and return of IDPs must be initiated by the government. In this regard, heard at the regional and international levels. Secondly, it is necessary to work on the basis of this plan with the competent authorities and international authorities for this return, because the crisis in Syria is greater than that of Lebanon or isolated from a clear and significant coordination with these authorities and organizations. The statement concludes: "The feelings of the Lebanese raise the specter of the infiltration of security in the Lebanese Bekaa, expose the state's disgrace in this flagrant manner and settle the accounts outside of all laws and the customs that govern the states. "This situation demands that the state impose the rule of law without tolerating or negotiating the right of the Lebanese, all Lebanese, to live in safety and peace".

– The subject of schools and the law of special grades, treatments and diplomas imposed still concern the parents of pupils, the educational body and the owners of educational establishments, who are obliged to close their doors and put an end to services of a number of teachers. And how many students will be forced to leave school because their parents can not pay tuition. As a result, parents reiterate their demand that the state take at least the burden of outstanding grades, reduce the burden on parents and schools, and avoid depriving a number of Lebanese society of choosing the school. that they want for their children.

– During the month of July, the Church celebrates the feasts of some saints and great martyrs, such as Martyrs martyrs, students Mar Maroun, Mar Elias the prophet and Mar Charbel. While Pope Francis and the Patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches will celebrate Saturday a prayer for peace in the Middle East, the parents call their children to follow the prayer by praying to Lebanon and the Middle Eastern countries. stop wars and killings. The destruction and promotion of just and lasting peace and security. "

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