Military mobilization continues despite political negotiations


There is hardly a day when the Ansar al-Houthi group in Yemen has organized at least one festival in the provinces under its control to mobilize for the Battle of the West Coast since government forces approached the city Hodeidah. . Despite the political path imposed by the UN's international efforts to impose a "temporary stop" on military operations, the group's actions also play a role in trying to change the course of the war in Hodeidah. A station that has been turned to war for nearly two months.

Together with the Houthi revival for the so-called "Crying Against Populists," an annual event of historical significance to the group, mobilization and mobilization of the West Coast dominated the speeches of the group's leaders , including his leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, who said that "the main problem we need to focus on in the West Coast battle is to continue to mobilize." The reality of battle requires a human momentum. He stressed the importance of continuing to send fighter regiments to Hodeidah, saying that everyone "is interested in mobilizing this battle because the enemy is trying to launch it with all its weight" . For the first time, the mobilization of the Houthis at the Battle of Hodeidah extended to their allies outside the border, the leader of the group having been forced last Friday to pay tribute to the position of Hezbollah and Hezbollah. its leader, Hbadan Nasrallah. The statement, considered by the Yemeni government, is one of the evidence of the party's intervention in Yemen and its support for the Houthis. ]
The mobilization and mobilization file dominates the west coast In recent weeks, the various Yemeni provinces under the Huthis, where population density and tribal influence have been concentrated, have witnessed numerous meetings and tribal meetings, which are held under the direction and follow-up of the de facto authorities of the group in Sanaa., which employs various local officials and dignitaries, under the name of mobilizing the West Coast fronts, under various titles and events, such as "the anniversary of the scream" and before the exploitation of the incidents, including the abduction of a woman in the province of Jouf.,
According to local sources , the "New Arab" is that the process of mobilizing one day, through meetings of officials, dignitaries and marches, has received a weak and often weak response.Sometimes, from a region to the other, the membership of More fighters in the ranks of the Huthis continue, but the group continues to mobilize in all cases and to claim funds raised by dignitaries and local officials to support the "firmness of the fronts".

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Mobilizing and mobilizing fighters, the group continues to send more troops to Hodeidah, reducing its presence in various governorates and sending important reinforcements to the province of Hodeidah , to try to change the balance of forces and the weight of his presence. For the legitimate forces and supported by the coalition, with an Emirati front. The Houthis called on soldiers and members of the Yemeni army who were still at home to send them to the battlefields. Abdullah Mohammed, an army soldier from the suburbs of Sanaa, told the "New Arab" that the committees set up by the group communicated and incited the military to pay their salaries, but they asked those who were able to move. To receive wages. Since the inauguration of government forces in the last phase of climbing to Hodeidah and the penetration of the latter across the coastline and access to the vicinity of Hodeidah International Airport, the Houthis have chosen to fight a fateful battle with reinforcements and military movements. The impact on the legitimacy and alliance plans to introduce militarily into the city, as any attempt to make further progress, to the city, unknown consequences, with expectations of doubling the cost, both for military and civilian casualties and supply routes through the ports of Hodeidah and

The group resorts to the payment of funds, in the form of donations, to support the Steadfastness


In addition to the military track, Hodeidah is a political moment for the group, In Hodeida, the United Nations envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, has managed to tip the political efforts after to have received positive signals from the Houthis to accept the role of international leader in the management of the port of Hodeidah, according to the plan of the former emissary Ismail Sheikh Ahmed was born, rejected by the Houthis themselves Mother from the past While the last s information indicates that the political efforts around Hodeidah revolve around new proposals, the most important being that the Houthis will be handed over to the responsible officials of the province before the control of the Brotherhood by the end of 2014. But the field of the Military option is no longer that of last month, for the coalition and government forces, after the Houthis have thrown their military weight at Hodeidah and continue to hurry into various areas of their control.

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