Ministry of the Economy: We will intensify the installation of meters in all subscribers


The Ministry of Economy and Trade issued a statement in which he responded to the explanatory statement of the Lebanese private producers' badociation regarding the installation of electricity meters for subscribers of special generators, stressing the importance of applying the provisions of resolutions 1/135 / 2017 and 1/100 / AT dated 6/6/2018 as from 1/10 / 2018, especially for the installation of meters at all participants and to check the commitment of producers to the tariffs of the Ministry of Energy and Water, Offenders and return them to the competent court.

Three meetings were held with Mr. Danny Qadisho, member of the Executive Committee of the Private Generator Owners Association in Lebanon, in his capacity as representative. The Ministry of Economy and Trade has allocated a fixed part of monthly prices from the Ministry of Energy and Water. Pay a fair price. "

Read also: Citizens cry after high generator bills!

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