Module 5 Healthy Habits Protecting Children and Teens Against Obesity


The study recently recommended mothers to follow five healthy habits to reduce the risk of childhood and adolescent obesity.

The study was conducted by researchers from the T. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University. In the latest issue of The BMJ Scientific Review, published yesterday.

The researchers explained that one in five children in the United States between the ages of 6 and 19 is obese.

Obese children are at risk of developing diabetes, heart and other metabolic diseases when they grow up

. Genetics is known to play a role in obesity, but the increase in obesity in recent years is probably due to changes in lifestyle and diet, indicating that "Education" plays a major role in weight gain

. The study focused on the relationship between maternal lifestyle and risk of obesity in children and adolescents aged 9 to 18 years.

The study team examined data on 24,899 tadpoles and maggots, in addition to their mother's health habits. Of the children and adolescents participating in the study, or 5.3%, the risk of obesity during a five-year follow-up period

The study revealed that children and teens whose mothers follow five healthy habits have decreased their obesity rates

These healthy habits can reduce the risk of obesity in children and adolescents by 75 percent, compared to children of mothers who have not followed these habits, according to the study.

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