MP George Atallah: The change in the constitution is not a taboo! | Cedar News


A member of the "Strong Lebanon" bloc, MP George Attallah, felt that the accusation of the Lebanese Forces Party, Minister Gebran Bbadil, was to destroy Maarab's understanding, which is totally rejected and reimbursed. to its owners. He said that Maarab's understanding is not just an agreement on the allocation of quotas, but rather an agreement on a number of political elements that have not been respected by the forces, which forced everyone to solve the details.

Attallah as the focus of the Lebanese Forces on the allocation of ministerial seats in the understanding Without the political elements, the forces are trying to split the agreement to mislead the public opinion in the aiming to achieve limited political gains to the detriment of what has been agreed in the Maghreb, highlighting for example that the accusations of the Free Patriotic Movement's ministers are about corruption and the correction of the electrical plan. For the same purpose, is the summit of misinformation of public opinion, especially that the ministers of forces have signed in the Council of Ministers on the plane of Minister Cesar Abi Khalil without changing character. Is to create a strong relationship with me The two sides, a cohesive national and political relationship and favorable to the Pact, have no interest on the basis: "Give me a share here Vtamak corruption", considering that the forces Lebanese need to get out of the game of political rams and narrow political loopholes to return to the common rule
In response to a question, Atallah said that the formation of governments in any country in the world is subject to certain political criteria and conditions, particularly in Lebanon where the so-called "consensual democracy" or "exceptional" More precisely, imposes the participation of all in the government, which encourages political parties to raise the ceiling of their claims to achieve the minimum acceptable, and expressed the hope of reaching a subsequent mechanism to form a new form of government, although the amendment of the Constitution is not inconsistent with the bans, Atallah concluded that despite the quarrels surrounding the government's formation process, the atmosphere is not covered as described by some but is routing to large positive results that could bear fruit over the next two weeks. ] (function (d) {
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