MP "my forces" introduces bill to legislate and control cannabis – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


<img src = "" title = "نائب" قواتي "يتقدم بمشروع قانون لتشريع الحشيشة وضبطها" alt = "A member of powerful parliamentary bloc Antoine Habashi (MP for the Baalbeck-Hermel region) translates the non-binding recommendation he has formulated The global economic "McKinsey" used by the Lebanese government to develop a plan to promote the economy Lebanese and "Legislation for the cultivation of cannabis for medical use", the announcement of "accelerated bill", at a press conference held yesterday in the House of Representatives Hashishah. "

According to Habashi, the proposal provides "with the exception of the cannabis plant, the prohibition of production for medical and therapeutic purposes, through the licensing of pharmaceutical companies, the use of this product and the control of a competent company .. This also requires controls in the process of control through the company and through the Ministry of Health through the creation of a department of medicines in order to 39 ensure the availability of all legal and technical conditions. "

" The competent company must have at least 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and verify that the seedlings have the necessary conditions for their use in the pharmaceutical industry before d & rsquo; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; To be delivered to the farmer. "He stressed that" the controls include the number of seedlings if the farmer wants to replace the old, "stressing that" the first economic beneficiary of the crop Heather to Baalbek-Hermel is the merchant, but can not circulate freely, except political cover. "

" The proposal of the law reduces the traffic and the dependency and increases the yield of the state and will determine type of plant allowed to grow, which is a product of medical uses. "

Habashi pointed out that" the state is absent from Baalbek-Hermel and the merchants behave like cannibals, but the results of cannabis legislation will not be reflected not only about the region, but about every house in Lebanon ". 0.4% of the minimum wage, and the introduction of local and global enterprises on the line of competition, makes the farms protected by the state through licenses and conditions and controls, and the company takes the production of the product better than the product of the illegal trade We have solved the problem of the stabilization of the farms on its lands. "

By contrast, the boss of the" Arab Organization for Drug Control "Mohamed Othman," the legislation of cannabis culture poses a great threat to young people, "stating that" must focus on the addiction before working on cannabis "

Osman said on Lebanese television:" The religious position must have a deterrent effect on this issue: if it is legislated, we will have a different position and we will appeal. " 19659008] Source: Al-Hayat

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